SearchCap: Google Lens for iOS, Facebook seek ads & eCommerce search engine marketing

Below is what came about in search these days, as pronounced on Search Engine Land and from other places across the net.

SearchCap: Google Lens for iOS, Facebook seek ads & eCommerce search engine marketing 15

  • From Search Engine Land:
  • Facebook begins trying out commercials in search effects
  • Dec 11, 2018, with the aid of Amy Gesenhues
  • The take a look at inventory can be to be had in Facebook and Marketplace search outcomes.
  • Google Lens goes live for seeking on iOS: We examined it out
  • Dec 11, 2018, by using Greg Sterling
  • Now that Lens is not buried in Google Photos, we’ll see extra fast adoption of visual seek.
  • How 3 SEO strategies constructed nowadays’s eCommerce giants
  • Dec 11, 2018, by using Manish Dudharejia
  • Learn how 1/3-birthday celebration dealers, one-way links, and a truly described niche can leverage search engine optimization possibilities.
  • Human vs. machine intelligence: how to win while ‘replica’ content is particular

Dec eleven, 2018 by Sponsored Content: OnCrawl

As marvelous as system learning and a set of rules-based total intelligence can be, they often lack something that comes clearly to humans: a common experience. It’s a common understanding that placing identical content on a couple of pages produces replica content. But what if you create pages approximately comparable things, with variations that be counted? Algorithms flag them as duplicates, even though people […]

Recent Headlines From Marketing Land, Our Sister Site Dedicated To Internet Marketing:

  • Facebook starts offevolved trying out commercials in search outcomes.
  • Dec eleven, 2018 by Amy Gesenhues
  • The test inventory can be to be had in Facebook and Marketplace seek consequences.
  • What email marketers need to recognize about Alexa’s modern-day function
  • Dec eleven, 2018, by means of Greg Sterling
  • If tens of millions of humans begin paying attention to Alexa study their email, electronic mail entrepreneurs will adapt to keep away from deletion.
  • Hulu launches a new personal market for its OTT ad stock

Dec 11, 2018, by Ginny Marvin

  • The new programmatic market will release at the start of the new yr.
  • Product pages are the new packaging: Think past decrease costs to win online.
  • Dec 11, 2018, using Andrew Waber
  • Capture customers with product titles that cope with nuanced wants and needs instead of sacrificing margins to win sales.
  • Marketers say the Time Well Spent motion isn’t influencing social media plans

Dec 11, 2018, through Amy Gesenhues

  • Marketing Land polled marketers about whether or not the Time Well Spent movement performs into their social media plans. Here’s what we discovered.
  • How to vaccinate your statistics from ability publicity
  • Dec 11, 2018, through Adam Corey
  • Brands must take preventative measures to defend their groups from steeply-priced errors and live on in a quite aggressive industry.
  • Human vs. gadget intelligence: the way to win when ‘duplicate’ content is specific

Dec eleven, 2018 by Sponsored Content: OnCrawl

As magnificent as devices gaining knowledge of and algorithm-based totally intelligence can be, they often lack something that comes clearly to people: commonplace experience. It’s not unusual to understand that putting identical content on a couple of pages produces replica content. But what if you create pages about comparable matters, with differences that depend? Algorithms flag them as duplicates, although humans.

Wendy Mckinney
I am a seo blogger at, a content marketer and a search engine expert. I have been writing for blogs, newspapers, and magazines since 2015 and have worked as a freelance writer. I have a BA degree in Journalism and Mass Communication.