Just like you could occasionally see listings in Google search for URLs that can be disallowed, those URLs can also “collect” hyperlinks in Google seek. This indicates that while it is not legal for Google to move the URL slowly, Google will and might select those links if people link to the URL. That is why you occasionally see search outcomes with snippets that study “No statistics are to be had for this web page.” Google may list the web page if (a) the question is precise and sufficient and (b) there are enough links to that page to present Google sufficient guidelines that the web page is relevant to the question, despite Google now not being capable of moving the page slowly to look at what content is at the page. Instead, Google uses the links pointing to the page and its anchor text to figure that out, among other matters.
Thus, when Google’s John Mueller stated on Twitter, “If a URL is disallowed for crawling in the robots.Txt, it may nonetheless “accumulate” links because it could be shown in Search as properly (without its content even though).” John is declaring something proper and valid, notwithstanding how some won’t like this.
So, you could technically construct hyperlinks on URLs that are disallowed. That is if you are bored and want an assignment. In this article, we discuss search engine optimization link-building strategies that you can implement.
Perhaps you’ve read an article or two by search engine optimization (“SEO”) experts stressing the importance of link building to the visibility of your website on the major search engines. If, for example, you happen to navigate the Google online documentation to the “Webmaster Help Center,” you will see the Google response to the question “How can I improve my site’s ranking?” The Google response includes the statement, “In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by increasing the number of high-quality sites that link to their pages.2”
“Link building” is developing “inbound” links to your web pages to drive traffic and improve your search engine ranking. It sounds simple, but there are so many complex online link-building programs and strategies, and it’s mind-boggling! And some techniques, even legitimate ones implemented incorrectly, may render inbound links useless. I started this article to cover the 5 W’s – who, what, when, where, and why. But, at the risk of detracting from the clever title, I felt the need to add “How?” to make it more useful. So, this article is designed to provide insight into the following questions:
1. Who should link to my web pages?
2. What should the link entail?
3. When should I add a link to my site?
4. Where should a link appear?
5. Why should you care?
6. How can businesses develop their inbound links?
Reasonable minds can undoubtedly disagree with some of the opinions and strategies in this article. I direct your attention to footnote references to several helpful online articles. I encourage you to review these articles so you can draw your conclusions. I do hope you conclude that there are several legitimate link-building strategies that you can tackle!
Why Should You Care?
Sorry, I have skipped over who, what, when, and where to begin instead with “Why?” After all, if I cannot make the case that link-building is important, you certainly will not read the rest of this article! It is believed that, in the eyes of the major search engines, the number and quality of the incoming links that point to your site indicate your site’s worthiness. I know it sounds like a popularity contest – perhaps this stirs up memories of your disdain for your high school prom king/queen election process. Popularity and Page Rank aside, you are interested in driving qualified traffic to your website and developing relationships with businesses that offer complementary products and services. Link-building techniques are designed to accomplish this.
Who Should Link to My Web Pages?
Links from “authoritative” websites and “related” industry sites are believed to carry the most weight. An “authoritative” site might be an educational organization (.edu), a publication, a government agency (.gov), a known subject matter expert, or an organization/association in your or a related industry. As for “related” sites, partners, and vendors, but not competitors, they are good “reciprocal linking” (discussed later) opportunities. Their sites should be related to your products and services. Make sure to set your standards high! Analyze the inbound links to the page where you want to see your link. Are they, in fact, authoritative and relevant sites? How do you research inbound links to your potential linking partner? There are some excellent SEO link-building tools out there! Netconcepts provides a free “Link Popularity Checker” at http://www.netconcepts.com/linkcheck/. Another site is LinkPopularity.com. Use these tools to assess the quality of the links to the page before you ask for a link! While you’re there, check out the link popularity of your web pages and those of your competitors.