On occasion, we all have the experience of feeling vaguely unwell — somewhere in that gray area between TGIF-contented and take-the-day-off sick. When that happens, there’s only one proper thing to do: Go to WebMD, search through the list of symptoms, learn that we’re probably going to die in two weeks, and fall into a panic. As the saying goes, a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. People who aren’t trained medical professionals often get confused when they try to figure out what’s ailing them. That principle also applies to internet marketing. Too many businesses only partially understand their marketing fitness — they know something isn’t quite right, but they’re not sure what. Their attempts to make a proper diagnosis usually lead them astray.
To help businesses boost their marketing health, let’s analyze some common disorders that interfere with their ability to thrive online. In part one of this series, we’ll begin with mobile search, which causes pain and discomfort for many e-commerce companies.
Symptom: Changes Or Fluctuations In Site Traffic
Is your business experiencing sudden changes or fluctuations in web traffic? Don’t worry — it happens, and it’s probably based on how mobile users search for you.
Prescription: Optimize Your Mobile Search Strategy
Search engines like Google can offer your business mobile-first indexing solutions so that your website ranks higher in search results. Not only will this help you drive web traffic, but also it will increase your odds of bringing users back to your site. Mobile-first indexing offers you powerful tools that include analyzing: